Article archive

Hanging out by the pool catchin some sun

05/01/2003 13:38
I'm hanging out with Pete still. I'm not at all happy with Alex. I haven't seen him since our fight at the house and in the parking lot of the Dancing With The Stars lot. He didn't go to the show that night, so I haven't seen him or returned his calls. I have to face him on Sunday though because I...


Looking Forward To So Much...

04/30/2003 12:34
Im super excited right now. I ran into an old friend from Chicago out here in LA yesterday and Im spending the day with her today. She is such an amazing person, and I am so happy right now. I cant wait to spend more time with her. Im looking forward to the show on Saturday, I hope to see a lot of...


Guess What!!!

04/30/2003 12:21
I am having a blast here in Los Angeles. I've already worked out the details with the record label, and I begin recording songs for the album in May. I also am going to be going out on tour in May, but don't get your hopes up quite yet. This tour I am going on is as a guest of the group,...


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Webmaster: Brittany
Since: April 24, 2004
Opened: November 26, 2009
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Version: 4.0 "ONE Sunset"
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