Jayden Gabriel Dominik Garcia (Jayden Garcia)

Jayden Gabriel Dominik Garcia (Jayden Garcia)

Jayden Gabriel Dominik Garcia was born on December 8, 1980 in Miami, Florida. Jayden is the youngest of two. He has an older sister (Jordana Nathaly), who is a nurse, and his mother (Tina) is also a nurse. His father (Jose) is unable to work due to his medical condition and stays at home or runs errands for his wife during the day. Jayden was married at age 18 and has two children, Steven Coleman, 3 (October 7, 1999) and Stephanie Belen, 2 (January 20, 2001).

Jayden is outgoing, loyal to his friends and family, a hard worker, and is always making people laugh. He is probably the biggest University of Miami Hurricanes fan you will ever meet.

A Senior at the University of Miami, Jayden is studying Communications with a focus on Public Relations. He hopes one day to be in the business of management, managing professional sports players. When he graduates at the beginning of June 2003, Kaci immediately hires him as her manager.

Jayden is currently single and he is currently going through a divorce from his estranged wife, Jamie. He does date, but nothing is exclusive at the moment. The most he has been exclusive with someone was when he and Kaci went out from late January to late March in 2003, which was shortly after he filed for divorce from Jamie.

Jayden's relationship with the characters in the story are as follows:

Kaci Roman: he is very good friends with Kaci, has dated Kaci, and is probably one of Kaci's best guy friends. When he doesn't have his kids, he and Kaci can usually be found together at one of their houses just hanging out and having fun.

Justin Roman: oddly enough, he and Justin get along but Justin wasn't fond of him in the beginning because he dated Kaci just weeks after filing for divorce.

Nick Carter: he knows Nick is Kaci's best friend and has met him a couple times, but doesn't really necessarily have a relationship with Nick. They are friendly when they are around each other, but nothing more, nothing less.

Kory Knight: he knows Kory as one of Kaci's former co-workers when she used to work at the radio station. Since he is new at the station, he has not met Kory yet.

Kaley Colecka: he does not know Kaley as he has been busy with his kids since Kaley has been in town. He did see her at Kaci's surprise birthday party, but didn't say anything to her as she was hanging around people she knew there and not talking to any of Kaci's friends that weren't famous.

A.J. McLean: he knows of Kaci's past with A.J., he knows about Hayley, knows about his jealousy issues, but met A.J. at Kaci's surprise birthday party he threw her and they seemed to get along well. He is one of the handful of guy friends invited to the party by A.J. himself.

Pete Wentz: he has no idea about Kaci's past with Pete and they meet for the first time when he is in Los Angeles visiting Carly. After meeting Pete, he is happy that Kaci is happy and thinks Pete is pretty cool.

Patrick Stump: he does not know and has yet to meet Patrick. However, he has only heard good things from Kaci about Patrick.

Maksim Chmerkovskiy: he does not know and has yet to meet Maksim. He has heard mixed things from Kaci about Maksim, so based on that, he isn't sure what to think about him.

Ashleigh Brown: he knows her as his cousin's best friend out in Los Angeles, but doesn't meet her until he goes to Los Angeles to visit Carly.

Carly Garcia: she is his cousin and he is her best friend.

Kendra Stanley: he knows her as his cousin's best friend out in Los Angeles, but doesn't meet her until he goes to Los Angeles to visit Carly.

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Webmaster: Brittany
Since: April 24, 2004
Opened: November 26, 2009
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