Reveal Date Moved UP!

10/03/2009 03:12

First of all, Happy Birthday to Kevin Richardson.

Incase you haven't noticed, the days that I release chapters are either a member of the Backstreet Boys' birthday or some other important date (Pete's birthday, Justin's Birthday [happens to also be Pete and Ashlee's anniversary], etc.) related to the Boys.

Well, I am not going to be releasing a chapter today because it is Kevin's birthday. I will, however, be releasing a chapter on Tuesday. I am not sure when that will be yet though -- I have jury duty that day and then I have bowling that night.

But, due to that Backstreet Boys releasing THIS IS US on Tuesday, it moved up my reveal date for the new website! It was originally going to be January 2010, but then I looked at it and Chapter 55 will be released on Aaron's birthday, not in January!

So, that is my announcement for now. I am going to bed, it is almost 3:30 AM and I need to get some SLEEP!



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